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House Rules for a Comfortable Stay

Welcome! Here are some house rules to ensure a pleasant experience for everyone:

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  • Always keep the main gate closed after entering or exiting.
  • Avoid keeping the door open while receiving deliveries - use your access card.
  • Move-in: after 3:00 PM | Move-out: before 10:00 AM
  • Daily basic cleaning will be done floorwise. Inform us if you don't want your room cleaned on a particular day via Settl. Application.
  • Only utensils provided by Settl. will be cleaned.
  • Single or full occupancy only (subject to approval). Refer to the agreement for detailed guest policy.
  • Guests are strictly prohibited in double or shared occupancy.
  • Guests are welcome in common areas, but be mindful of others' usage.
  • Pets are allowed in full flat or rooms only (additional move-out charges apply, refer agreement).
  • Pets must be kept inside your room and not left unattended.
  • Common areas and other rooms are off-limits to pets.
  • Housekeeping will not clean up after pets.
  • Repairs follow a cool-off period (outlined in agreement). You'll be responsible for repair/replacement costs after that period (shared by occupants in shared rooms).
  • Electricity is pay-as-you-go via smart meters. Power backup is included (details in your Settl application).
  • Report maintenance issues through the Settl Member Application. No third-party handymen are allowed.
  • Be mindful of noise levels in your room and common areas.
  • Smoking and drinking are strictly prohibited in common areas (lobby, parking). A fine of ₹1000 applies for the first offense, followed by possible eviction for repeated violations.
  • Drugs are strictly prohibited. Violators will be evicted and reported to the police.
  • Keep valuables locked in the wardrobe. Management is not responsible for lost or stolen belongings. CCTV footage for common areas is available upon request (maximum 10 days back-up).
  • Delivery personnel are not allowed inside for security reasons.
  • Cooks hired personally must be approved through the Settl Application.
  • Be respectful and clean up after yourself in shared spaces.
  • Use the provided shoe rack; footwear outside rooms attracts a ₹200 fine.
  • Shared kitchen items left in common areas are for everyone. Taking them to your room results in a ₹350 daily fine.
  • Conserve water and electricity.
  • Keep your room and common areas clean and tidy. Store belongings in designated areas.
  • Use designated bins for waste segregation.

We wish you a comfortable stay at Settl Living.